Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Smallish Post 4

At one point or another I think everyone taking computer science classes has noticed that there are often significantly more guys than girls in the classes. I understand the idea that girls are less likely to pursue a degree in computer science because it is seen as a boys club. While growing up if I found myself in a situation that could be seen as not very manly I would be afraid of what my friends would say. I think just about every guy has experienced this. It is pretty similar to how girls might feel when deciding whether or not to pursue computer science. Why would they want to do something that is generally perceived as something women don't do. It can be very difficult to break from the mold and forge a new path in life. I agree with Stross, that in order to change this view there needs to be a change made much earlier. Opportunities to explore the hard sciences need to be seen as a good thing starting at a very young age and not only in the levels of higher education.

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